The aftermath: The incident was reported to the SEPTA police following the attack, leading to the arrest of four female suspects. We paid a price for being a hero,” Lu told CBS Philly. “ She says she saw that but every time when friends and people from the community gave her support and her love, every time said hero, the word, her mother’s heart was broken. While SEPTA Police Chief Thomas Nestel and others from the community hailed Christina as a hero, her mother viewed the brutal incident differently. One of the attackers was filmed using her shoe to strike the teenager lying on the ground. If you believe a GoFundMe campaign is fraudulent, you can report it to the site as well as law enforcement. This violates GoFundMes terms and conditions and may also violate federal law. However, in rare situations a fraudulent campaign may slip through the cracks.

The suspects, described to be aged between 13 and 16, kicked and punched Christina, even slamming her head on the train door. All GoFundMe campaigns are reviewed before they go live. She immediately intervened, but the aggressors turned their focus on her and started assaulting her. However, you could still owe taxes, depending on how the funds were used and if anything was. The IRS does not consider fundraising proceeds a taxable source of income. 17 when she witnessed a group of Black teens bullying Asian American Central High School students. Generally, contributions made to crowdfunding campaigns (such as GoFundMe) are considered to be personal gifts, and as such, are not taxed as income to the recipient. The teenager was riding on the Broad Street Line on Wednesday Nov. No matter if they're Asian, African American, Caucasian, I am doing the right thing,’” Lu said, sharing the conversation she had with Christina. “ I ask her, 'Because you think the boys are Asian you want to protect your own ethnicity?' And she said, 'No. What happened: Speaking to reporters, Christina’s aunt, Mei Lu, recounted the incident and said her niece, a Central High School student, was trying to defend a group of Asian American students who were also on the train, according to 6ABC. “My sister could not make any public appearances due to her injuries, so my uncle Mike and our family friend Jack Zhao spoke in her place.” “ Thank you guys, we never expected to pass the 1000 dollar mark,” Michael Chen said in an update.
#Go fund me campaigns full
We need your story, what you need funds for, how much you want to raise, where are you located, your email address, full name and any photos or videos you. We know how busy startup entrepreneurs are and we want to help.
#Go fund me campaigns free
More than 13,000 people have donated to the GoFundMe campaign. Answer (1 of 3):, offers free campaign write up and setup. “In addition, we are actively advocating for the safety of school students when taking public transportation.” “ As her family, we will continue to campaign against Asian hate crimes in the school district of Philadelphia,” the teenager’s family wrote. Shocking video shows a group of female youths, one in a hijab, brutally beating two passive Asian people on a SEPTA train in Philadelphia on Wednesday near Erie Station.